vendredi 15 avril 2016

Easy Chocolate Cake


170g salted butter
170g golden caster sugar
4 eggs, beaten
125g self-raising flour
50g cocoa powder, preferably the best you can get

250g milk chocolate, we used Lindt
50g butter
125ml milk

2 greased and lined 22cm shallow cake tins


  • Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, user a mixer if possible or you will have cranky children!
  • Add the eggs slowly, a bit at a time until all well combined.  Sift the flour and cocoa in and fold through gently.
  • Put half of your mixture in each tin and spread mixture out lightly.
  • Bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes until the top of the cake springs back when gently pressed.
  • While the cake is baking, make your cheat's ganache-type frosting by melting the chocolate, butter and milk in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
  • As soon as the butter and chocolate are melting, turn the heat off and stir well to get a slippery, glossy mixture.
  • Put the mixture in the fridge to cool down, giving it an occasional stir to stop any grittiness setting in.
  • Cool the cake  on a wire rack, then give the icing a quick whisk to fluff it up.
  • Spread some of it over the bottom cake and sandwich the two halves together.  Spread the rest over the tops and sides of the cake.
  • Decorate with chocolate buttons, Mini Eggs, broken up Creme Eggs, Smarties, smashed up Crunchie bars, crumbled Flake bars*, whatever takes your fancy really.  Serve with a lovely cup of tea!
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